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Signs of Selective Mutism

My Selective Mutism started developing when I was 12 and it got severe by the time I was 14. However, most people with selective mutism will show signs when they’re in their early childhood. It usually coincides with starting school and interacting in new situations. It is more common in girls and particularly those who are using a language not native to them (e.g someone who speaks German moving to the UK and speaking English) Some signs people with SM may present, can include (but are not limited to); - Being nervous, restless or socially awkward in unfamiliar situations - Appearing disinterested when being talked to and possibly coming across rude - Tense - Clingy to familiar people - Withdrawn in anxiety provoking social situations - Avoiding social interaction  There are different levels of severity when it comes to selective mutism. Some people with it may be completely withdrawn in some situations - unable to speak or use any other form of communication such as BSL, writing or nodding/shaking their head. On the other end, others may be able to utter one word answers such as ‘yes’ and ‘no’, though this will usually be in a different tone and quieter than usual speech. Usually, someone with SM will be chatty at home and socialise just like anybody else. I like to think of my chattiness as catching up for the times I can’t speak, I know that’s not the case, I actually talk too much when I’m at home. It’s where I’m comfortable and it’s a safe environment to speak in - this is the case for many of those with SM

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