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Hi. My name is Ally. I have Tourette's, Autism, Selective Mutism, OCD, Dyspraxia, Anxiety, Depression and Sensory Processing Disorder. My goal for this blog is to raise awareness of conditions like mine. Some of these conditions have little to no awareness, others have major misconceptions regarding them. Let's change that...

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Medication: How it helped me

I realise that the majority of my posts are about Tourette's and Selective Mutism. However, I do have many other conditions and I feel it...

When depression hides behind a smile

This is a very thought-provoking article regarding depression and the ways in which it hides behind a smile. The perception of...

Covid-19 and Autism Friendliness

In the midst of this current crisis, the chaos in supermarkets has overshadowed the Autism friendliness that they all ensued only a few...

"The Shower" - Panic Attack Creative Writing

This is a piece of writing I did for an English AS level task. We were given the title "the shower" and had to turn this into a 600-900...

Tourette's Speech

For my English A-Level class, I have to write a 3-4 minute speech on a subject I am passionate about. Of course, I chose disability...

Depression + Fatigue/Motivation

A common symptom in Depression is the depletion of energy and lack of motivation to do things. Often, these are the things that are...

Mental health. Time to be honest

Mental health isn’t something many people talk about. However, it is something that a great deal of us battle on a daily basis. There are...

Awareness Vs Acceptance

What is the difference between awareness and acceptance, and why is it important? Awareness – Knowledge or perception of a situation or...

Sensory Overload Simulation

This is a short video I filmed and edited to portray sensory overload on a forest dog walk. It focuses on sight and sound, and how these...

What is Disability?

Previously, I would have described it as a condition or disease that makes aspects of a person’s life more difficult. Though this is...

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