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Hi. My name is Ally. I have Tourette's, Autism, Selective Mutism, OCD, Dyspraxia, Anxiety, Depression and Sensory Processing Disorder. My goal for this blog is to raise awareness of conditions like mine. Some of these conditions have little to no awareness, others have major misconceptions regarding them. Let's change that...

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What is Disability?

Previously, I would have described it as a condition or disease that makes aspects of a person’s life more difficult. Though this is...

I can't control it

The other day I was in A&E. The nurse, knowing I have Tourette’s, told me to keep it down because someone in the waiting room had a...

What is Tourette's? My perspective

Tourette’s isn’t what you think it is. It isn’t just swearing. It isn’t shouting random profanities or insulting those around you. It...

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